The Best and Easiest Strategies to Boost Your Email Sign Ups

Email is no longer a cutting-edge technology, but it still remains an integral part of our daily communications. Consider how many websites and companies you have subscribed to in order to stay updated with important information and receive deals and discounts. Most people receive exponentially more marketing emails per day than emails from friends, family members, and colleagues. (more…)

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The Best Strategies to Make the Most of Email Opt-Ins

Visit any website, perhaps including your own, and within 30 seconds of landing on any page you are likely to receive a pop-up prompt asking for your email address in exchange for some sort of tempting freebie like an e-book of valuable content relating to the website’s subject matter. This strategy is currently one of the most popular ways for online companies to increase the number of people on their email subscription lists and thereby improve the chances of attracting new customers.

However, today’s digital world lends itself to web users who are on the prowl for very specific information, and these people will simply x-out of any prompt or box that doesn’t help them reach their end goals. So how can websites fight against that trend to still attract new email subscriptions? The answer is upgraded content, and it has worked miracles for stagnant businesses of all kinds. (more…)

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It’s Time to Rebrand Your Company

Successfully branding a company from the very start and riding a wave of success on that brand for decades is unlikely. Even the biggest and best companies out there have had to evaluate their existing brands and adjust to better respond to customer needs and behaviors. If your own company finds itself needing a fresh start, don’t feel embarrassed or hopeless. Done the right way, a rebrand can send your company to new heights and inject a fresh energy into the atmosphere.

What Is a Brand, Anyway?

The term “brand” is the type of word that everybody implicitly understands but can’t quite describe in words. A brand is not only the concrete products or services that your company provides, but it is also the overall promise to consumers of what they should expect from you. Brands like Nike, for example, promise high-quality, fashionable, and sports-approved clothing. (more…)

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